Brazilian Black Belt


Jiu jitsu technique - passing the guard crossing the knee  

Nov 15, 2011 Categories: BJJ Felipe Costa Personal Training Program

bjj technique show by world champion Felipe Costa


What is the Intensive Personal Training Program?

The Intensive Personal Training Program (IPTP) is the most superior method of obtaining specialized instruction available today. Hands down, there is no other way to rapidly improve your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu game than our IPTP. Unmatched in intensity, depth, and quality; an IPTP will bring you, your team, or your academy to the next level -- GUARANTEED!

What makes an IPTP different?

Typically, private training is expensive, and the instructor does not know your weaknesses and strong points. In an IPTP, our "world champion class" Black Belts spend a serious length of time with you, analyzing your game and developing the best plan of action to make you rapidly improve. An IPTP is much more than a simple private lesson; it is a "system" developed by the best champions in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu -- the same system that "supercharges" our game. 

How does it work?

First; we come to you and we come for a one week period. All of the classes are extremely personalized. All of the participants are observed and analyzed relative to strengths and weaknesses in their Brazilian Jiu Jitsu skills. Then, an individualized program is developed to capitalize on the strengths and eliminate the weak areas. All of our training is available in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Private sessions are also available -- and since we will know everyone's game, the private sessions are INTENSE!

What do people say about IPTP training?

Here are a few comments from people we have trained:

"IPTPs are phenomenal, the level of material combined with the unique teaching abilities of Felipe Costa are unmatched. If you don't take the opportunity to train with these guys, you are missing out." 
Bruce Corrigan ( BJJ Black Belt, Kenpo Black Belt, Senior Instructor Filipino Kali and Jeet Kune Do -- academy owner)

Niños con deficiencia visual, participan y ganan en torneos contra niños "normales" 

Nov 13, 2011 Categories: BJJ Comprido Felipe Costa Michelle Matta Video BJJ

"Estos niños con deficiencia visual, participan y ganan en torneos contra niños "normales", son parte del proyecto social que nuestro maestro Felipe Costa y otros miembros de Brasa realizan en Río de Janeiro... ¡Excelente forma de demostrar que el "No puedo" no existe" !... No más excusas!!!!!!!" Ismael Sacramento de BRASA Cancun

Felipe Costa s Brazilian Jiu-jitsu SEMINAR in South Africa 

Felipe Costa was in South Africa during 5 days, while there besides 2 seminars in different cities (Durban and Johannesburg) he also gave a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu class to a group of kids.

Felipe Costa rolled with everyone, non-stop and it was fun!

Click on this link to see what some people had to say about Felipes visit to Africa:


"So training with Felipe yesterday really was a privilege!

Especially impressive was the detail that he paid to making sure we all benefitted from the new techniques. He scrutinized every member of the class individually, pointing out their weak points and helping them tighten the screws.

Then it came to rolling with Felipe...hahaha
You could never believe that a little guy could so completely dominate a much bigger guy...guess that's why he is the world champ! But really- what a genuine, humble guy! No matter how intent I was on beating him, he was always extremely safety-conscious and turned down the chance to break my arm at least 5 times!

What a champion fighter and all-round good guy!

Thanks Felipe"


Saturday was an awesome day! Rolling with Felipe has been one of the greatest privileges of my life so far. A sincere and humble master of the sport, he showed us his techniques with impeccable detail and modesty.

A great big thanks to felipe for not submitting me in our final ten seconds together

Hope the rest of your trip went well... Wishing you safely home on your journey today.

Can't wait to train with you again!!!"

"As promised the training session with Felipe did not disappoint and in fact was even more than expected. Again, to train with someone like Felipe is a life changing experience. He is just SO humble and was always willing to listen to our questions, and quick to demonstrate the technique on you to ensure that you understand the subtle differences.

At the end of class, to see the little master roll with 10 guys - one after the other - was great! Some guys were at least twice his size, and then when Morne called 10s left, it was like he switched gears and our guys had to really go on the defense to survive. Some were not that lucky!

Morne, thanks for giving us this great opportunity and thank you for all your effort and sacrifice! We really appreciate it!

Felipe, we hope to see you again soon! Keep well!


"We really enjoyed training with Felipe yesterday. He is a great coach and person with equal great skill. We worked a lot on defending and counters, and took home some great tips to make setting up your submissions more safe, secure and with a lot less effort and strength.

This truly was a world class seminar, and no one was disappointed!

Thanks to Coach Morné for arranging this awesome opportunity yet again to train with one of the best in the world!

Best regards


"Well this was the second seminar that I have been fortunate enough to attend that was hosted by our Coach and conducted by Felipe

Felipe has to be one of the most unassuming and Humble Warriors that I have ever had the privilege to meet and train under His proficiency on the ground is nothing short of mind blowing!
He rolled with some of the biggest guys on the day and never look phased, out of breath or out of control A true Master in his field and a true example of what one can achieve if you sincerely, honestly and truthfully apply your mind to being the best that you can be!

I was very fortunate to roll with Felipe and can also attest to the fact that when he has had enough playing around he does not need much time to finish you off!

A true inspiration to all the small guys out there

Thanks Felipe!!!

Coach Morne, thanks to both you and Aileen for your constant sacrifice (especially in these turbulent financial times!) and for always helping to keep us at the forefront of the ever-evolving world of BJJ I had an awesome time and know that everyone else in attendance did as well."

"I can only second what Johan and Robert have already said!
Definitely a most enjoyable and insightful experience, and it has definitely encouraged me to spend more time on the mats!

Thanks to Coach Morné (and CombatCoaching as a whole), for arranging everything; and to Felipe for conducting an awesome few hours!


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