Brazilian Black Belt


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Jiu-Jitsu Infantil em IPANEMA - Mannequin Challenge BJJ KIDS  

Posted by Felipe Costa Dec 14, 2016 Categories: Academia BJJ Ipanema Jiu Jitsu Jiu Jitsu Infantil judo

Mannequin Challenge BJJ KIDS at Brazilian Black Belt Academy in Rio de Janeiro - Desafio aceito na Academia Brazilian Black Belt em IPANEMA - Rio de Janeiro

Judo e Jiu-Jitsu INFANTIL em IPANEMA Horários das aulas: MANHA: Seg e Qua - 9am ( Jiu-Jitsu) Ter e Qui - 9am (Judo) TARDE: Ter e Qui - 16hrs (Judo) NOITE: Seg e Qua - 19hrs (Jiu-Jitsu) Endereço: Rua Visconde de Pirajá 151/201 - Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro Telefone: 21 2523-2066 WhatsApp: 21 99 404-4567 

The non stop evolution of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu  

This is what I call WHITE BELT motivation

We have all heard about the evolution of BJJ, when you compare the techniques of the past to today, it's shocking to see how much it has grown from 20 years to now, but that is kind of normal on most sports, right? What is even more shocking for me is how some techniques are develop and get popular every 6 months or a year and how passionated are the comments about than. Most popular and recent examples are, of course, how people were obsessed with 5050 and had a love/hate relationship with it: "Should be banned from tournaments" were the comment that I disagreed the most...

Right after was the Berimbolo wave, that is still popular, but a bit less...looked out of this world (and still does), it was the evolution of the helicopter (technique from 90's), but soon enough everyone got an understanding of it and to counter many start the "double pull guard" and again the passionate comments "BAN FROM THE SPORT!!! There is no use on self defense" etc

Lapel Guard

More recently the Lapel or Worm guard is taking the roll of the bad guy and people are against it again. To say it's ONLY good to stall is a very single mind view of it. Just take a closer look to see how many option can open.

I'm just very glad those negative opinions were not heard, imagine if for everything new and difficult to count we would make not allowed? (wasn't that what JUDO did and still does sometimes?) Would our Martial Art/ Sport evolve? ( Yes, I did use "/sport " and I love that BJJ has ALSO become a sport)

I Usually note that the one's who don't know the technique, don't understand, feel they are too old to learn a new trick or even worse, think they know everything that is important are the one's vouching against it. From white to black belt...

I have promise myself to at least try never to fall into one of the categories I just mentioned, but I have to say it's tiring and some times discouraging, often I catch myself think "Fu#%, here it comes another concept to be learn". But you know what? It's when I feel like a white belt again that I'm motivate...if I felt I had nothing else to learn, to improve why would I keep going?

I told almost no one about a recent injury I had, that kept me from putting a GI during 6 months, that was the longest I had to stay without a gi since 1994 (just because I was exchange student in a city that had no BJJ). Because of that I couldn't follow so much of the so call Lapel guard or Worm guard. I knew the idea from looking videos, but  couldn't say I had a good understanding of it (Not sure I can say that now, but anyways).

Yesterday I had the chance to roll with a 16 years old, female blue belt that is doing the Worm guard like a pro, with many variations and giving trouble to everyone she has been training with. The fact that she is 54kg confirmed my theory that she was all about technique and minimum strength. I learned so much from her during the roll and also after, while she was kind enough to explain and teach what she was trying and looking for with each different grip. If I had the chance to look from outside, I would risk saying that was beautiful to see the Black Belt (me), learning as if he was a white belt from the young blue belt (her). I wish someone had film that. I was lucky enough to have my friend from BJJ HACKS (Subscribe to his channel, if you haven't yet, some sick BJJ stuff) there to film at least part of our training and here he shares with everyone. You can see in my face how I'm watching every movement she does, every grip change and trying to absorb as much as possible. I love this exchange BJJ allows you to have, despite of the color of the belt. So here is my advice to close this few lines:

Learn from everyone! Everyone knows something you don't, be open to that information! Once your knowledge grown, it will never go back to the previous size. 

HERE is the video:


Exercícios para fortalecer o quadril, úteis no Jiu Jitsu 

Preparador físico, Itallo Vilardo, ensina


Sempre falo da importância de fortalecemos o abdômen/quadril, que juntamente com a musculatura da lombar e glúteo, forma o que conhecemos como CORE. O fortalecimento dessa região é fundamental para qualquer modalidade esportiva, e não seria diferente nas artes marciais. Essa área é o centro do corpo e ajuda a estabilizar quase todos os movimentos. Nas lutas é muito comum vermos atletas com a musculatura do abdômen bem definida, mas será que ela é forte?

Geralmente ao falar de exercícios abdominais pensamos em flexão e extensão do tronco, maquinas e exercícios com grande quantidade de peso. E sem perceber acabamos negligenciando dois exercícios fundamentais para essa área, o trabalho de rotação e o de estabilização do tronco.

Vamos ver agora uma sequencia de exercícios para trabalhar o quadril e o abdômen.

Estabilização na bola: Sentado na bola, com os pés firmes no chão, olhe para frente. Encaixe o quadril contraindo a parte inferior do abdômen. Tire lentamente os pés do chão, use os braços para se equilibrar, posicionando os ombros um pouco mais atrás do que o quadril. Sustente o movimento por 20seg e retorne a posição inicial.

estabilizacao bola


Estabilização no rolo: Posicione um rolinho entre o glúteo e a lombar, firme os pés no chão, com os braços paralelos ao tronco. Vá descendo o tronco até ficar quase paralelo ao chão e volte à posição inicial, sem deixar os pés levantarem.

estabilizacao rolo


Giro sentado: Posicione o corpo sentado, tronco a 45º do solo, segure uma anilha com os braços esticados paralelos a coxa e mantenha os pés afixados no chão. Faça giros alternando de um lado para o outro, mantendo os joelhos os mais firmes possíveis e os braços sempre esticados. A cabeça acompanha o movimento.

giro sentado


Sustentação de tronco em pé: Esse exercício é muito bom e simples de ser feito. Em dupla, os dois de pé, um atleta fica ereto com o tronco firme e estende os braços na frente do corpo com as palmas das mãos juntas, enquanto o outro coloca as duas mãos sobre as mãos do parceiro e faz uma ligeira força, tentando fazer com que o outro atleta gire o tronco lateralmente. Fique firme na posição por 10seg e troque o lado.

sustentacao em pe


Fuga de quadril: Deitado no chão com os braços esticados para cima segurando uma anilha, flexione os joelhos e ponha os pés no chão. Faça um movimento específico de fuga de quadril posicionando o corpo de lado, mantendo sempre os braços esticados para cima. Volte para a posição inicial antes de fazer o movimento para o outro lado.

fuga de quadril


Faça o trabalho sempre acompanhado de um profissional da área, mais importante que o exercício a ser feito, é a configuração que utilizaremos para fazer ele. A quantidade de séries e repetições é o que determinara qual objetivo vamos alcançar, seja força, velocidade ou resistência.

Itallo Vilardo – Preparação física especializada em esportes de combate.


Try now! Use the code: YOUTUBE to get free access to this techniques, watch this 10 seconds video:

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