Posts in Category: Video BJJ

Claudio Calasans: Judo & BJJ Black Belt 

How to Adapt Judo for Jiu-Jitsu

Claudio Calasans: Judo & BJJ Black Belt

Claudio Calasans is someone with a strong attachment to both judo and jiu-jitsu. The ATOS representative is a lifelong judo practitioner and is one of the most dynamic and well-rounded competitors in the world of jiu-jitsu.

In the first video of this 3-part episode we get to see him train some of his trademark techniques, learn about his how family are so important to his success, and hear his advice for adapting judo for jiu-jitsu.

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A Workout for Jiu-Jitsu Athletes & Calasans’s Top Techniques

Claudio Calasans is a four-time World Pro Jiu-Jitsu Champion, in this video we see him go through a tough training session that highlights the intensity of his dedication to his profession.

Also, we see him train and hear him talk about two of the techniques he is best known for, the guillotine choke and the dreaded wristlock, known as ‘mao de vaca’ in Portuguese.

How to Adapt Judo for Jiu-Jitsu

Many jiu-jitsu practitioners would like to integrate judo into their training so as to develop a better stand-up game. As Claudio Calasans says, all fights start on the feet and even if you want to pull guard you better know how before you step on the mat.

As a judo and jiu-jitsu black belt, Calasans is perfectly placed to discuss adapting judo for jiu-jitsu and in this video he offers his advice on shares some of his training and teaching methods.



Jun 09, 2014 Categories: Jiu Jitsu judo Video BJJ

¿Qué te motiva a seguir adelante? 

Un buen video para ver antes de un torneo!

Las personas son diferentes y no siempre lo que a ti te motiva, significa que va a motivar a tu compañero de entrenamiento o un oponente. Creo que cada persona necesita encontrar ese estado de ánimo del que puede obtener mayor provecho y sólo hay una manera de averiguarlo y es INTENTANDOLO TODO. Esto es, porque creo firmemente que la experiencia va a sacar lo mejor de ti, pero no puedes renunciar en el proceso.!!

En mi camino a Cinturón Negro, vi a muchas personas quienes fueron mejores que yo, y sin embargo renunciaron en este proceso, pero yo no lo hice, incluso en mis peores fracasos seguí adelante. Por supuesto, tuve momentos donde mis ánimos se caían y yo siempre respeto esos momentos, pero no permito que duren por mucho tiempo!

Si tu atraviesas por un momento como este, lo mejor es poner tu cabeza en alto! Hazlo ahora, mientras lees! Recuerda, el fracaso es sólo una parte del proceso para ser el mejor, mantente enfocado y lo mejor de ti saldrá! Esa debe ser su meta! Ser lo mejor que puede ser! No aceptaremos nada menos que eso! RENUNCIAR NO ESTA EN TUS OPCIONES!!! Felipe Costa 


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Posted by Felipe Costa May 18, 2014 Categories: BJJ Felipe Costa Jiu Jitsu Video BJJ