Posts in Category: BJJ

New black belt under Felipe Costa 

On 30 september 2011,  after more then 13 years of training Ken Van Gilbergen received his black belt brazilian jiu-jitsu by hands of multiple World Champion Felipe Costa. Ken reacts: “it feels like an amazing reward for all the hard work and dedication. I learned a lot from different people, being it instructors or students “.  He continues thanking all the people who ever trained with him , especially Felipe for sharing all the knowledge while listening to the endless questions and Wim for the thousands hours of rolling.

Felipe Costa says: “Back in 2004 I gave my first belt ever to Ken Van Gilbergen, from Belgium. Today he got his black belt from me. It was very special moment! Congratulations”

Anybody who has trained with Ken will gladly confirm he is without a doubt one of the most technical BJJ fighters in Belgium. Ken has been a pioneer and has helped set the path of BJJ in Belgium and is now – well deserved – one of the first true Belgian Black Belts in the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Brasa  Belgium is proud to have Ken as one of the head teachers in the team today.

Dec 12, 2011 Categories: BJJ Felipe Costa