The history of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Belt System 

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu belts

Quem sabe a origem das faixas coloridas no Jiu-Jitsu? E da faixa-preta?
O sistema original de graduação dos irmãos Gracie era baseado apenas em duas cores - a branca, para alunos, e a azul escura, para professores. As faixas não eram indicativas de capacitação técnica e sim de capacidade de ENSINO. Todos os alunos usavam a faixa BRANCA. Conforme iam seguindo no curso de professores, caso assim o desejassem, iriam trocando a faixa, mas isso só a partir de 1967.
Olhe a explicação completa interessantíssima (em inglês) dada pelo Pedro Valente.

Professor Pedro Valente on the history of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Belt System and the method currently used at Valente Brothers. 
Valente Brothers acknowledges and respects the fact that today, Jiu-Jitsu federations and many academies utilize different systems both for adult and youth students.

online training program

Dec 23, 2013 Categories: Academia BJJ Jiu Jitsu Video BJJ

FIRST OFFICIAL MMA EVENT with a fight in between a MEN and a WOMEN 

Is this for real?

MMA event in Brazil, pretend to be promoting an fight of a man against a women, causing a lot of controversy, but it the last minute it was all a marketing campaign to call people attention of the Domestic Violence that happen in Brazil and encouraging women to report it 

Watch the video in portuguese, with english subtitles:

denuncie violencia domestica


What people may not know is that MMA fight on unofficial events have happen before, here you can see a fight in Brazil that a women submits a men (fight starts at 1:45)

BJJ online training

Dec 21, 2013 Categories: MMA Video MMA