Is youtube techniques making your game better or worse in BJJ? 

Felipe Costa explain it all



Professor Felipe Costa Is About To Take You To School

fc1In today’s world of technology and social media, martial arts are not spared from the good and bad that comes along with the phenomenon. No one knows this better than Black Belt World Champion and ambassador for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Felipe Costa. He has used the Internet and technology to increase the cohesion among practitioners of the sport as well as his own team. Check out what he has to say about being a Black Belt on the mat and on the keyboard!

MMW: Before technology and Internet became so big how did people training martial arts increase their knowledge when they weren’t at the dojo or gym?

FC: Going to tournaments was the only way to see what techniques the other fighters were doing, it wasn’t a common thing to have people filming the fights, and even when someone did it was not available for everyone to see. Since most of the techniques we would learn was inside the academy, we often would work specific techniques, such as the basics, over and over. I think that solid base helped me to have a better understanding of the game today and makes it easier for me to add something new to it.

MMW: How has the increase in technology impacted the martial arts? What do you think is the biggest pro and what is the biggest negative?

FC:The impact was tremendous, the techniques were kept as secrets among teams, I guess that was the reason why a student who would visit another academy was considered a traitor, because the team would see it as a danger for him to show what details were being used in his academy. Also when someone from outside would visit they would have to face the best guys available at the academy the moment of the visit.

That is also the original reason for team mates not fighting in the final of the tournaments, why would they “show” their secrets to everyone if they could decide this in close doors?

I guess the pro of technology is that this slowly is reducing. People are not afraid to share the knowledge anymore, this information can reach more places and much faster than if this technology wasn’t there.

The negative side is that some people are trying to “run” before they even know how to “walk”. Having access to many fights, techniques and drills is great, but a beginner still needs someone to lead him and decide what is the best time to learn this or that technique.

MMW: Do you think online learning such as, Gracie University, Mendes Bros, or MGInAction, are good ways to learn BJJ?

FC: I believe it is good. Of course nothing is better than having an academy, with a good black belt to lead you on a daily bases and direct your training, but we can not forget, many people in the world don’t have this available.

I also have my online training program at My initial idea was to have a way to be closer to my associates and help them to improve answering specific questions they have and leading them to learn what they NEED based on the level they are right now, not just to post a million techniques, there is a big difference. They need to know the technique, meaning that they have seen it before and know how to apply the technique.

I’m not interested in having my student learn a million of techniques, but not being able to apply them. I want them to know only what they can use. This is why my online training is working amazingly.

I invite the readers to take a look now, please use the Promo-code:MIXEDMARTIALWORLD to have access to what I’m talking about and see for your self. Feedback is welcomed!

MMW: What is your opinion on the newer generation of martial artists learning a lot on YouTube?

FC: Having YouTube to see the fights, see techniques and everything else that is available there is awesome! The problem I see with YouTube is that there is no direction. YouTube doesn’t tell you what is best for you at the level you are right now.

It’s like you’ve been in the ocean with a little hook trying to catch a shark…you need to listen to your instructor when he tells you “Look, at the moment, with the hook you have you can’t catch a shark, start with a tuna”. Let’s translate that to BJJ: You are a white belt trying to learn Berimbolo. So you need someone to tell you “Berimbolo is not the best for you right now, start with the De La Riva outside hook” Understand what I mean? YouTube is not bad, what is bad is how it’s being used.

MMW: How have you used technology for business? Teaching? Learning?

FC: I travel 6 months out of the year teaching BJJ and that makes it nearly impossible to have my own academy in my home town in Rio. The online ACADEMIA was the solution I found and my students love it. We exchange information daily and the BJJ level is going up much faster

MMW: How has social media like Facebook, and Twitter and Instagram increased martial arts accessibility in your opinion? Has it primarily been positive or do you think it has impacted the roots of these arts in a negative way?

FC: The social medias makes everyone closer and this is a very good thing, but just as it makes the one’s away from you feel closer it can make the one’s close to you feel distant. It’s something new and we still need to learn the best way to use it. Sometimes people are more worried about how the picture will come out so they can share it, than actually enjoying the moment.

MMW: Do you think if you had access to all the resources online that young athletes have now would your fighting career have gone differently? If so why and how?

FC: Impossible to know for sure, but makes me wonder as well. But I think it would have helped me since I get the impression that many people are being helped with this information.

It was so rare to have access to fighter’s info and opinions, and now we can have all this in the palm of our hands. I enjoy seeing where this is going I hope a good direction, so far I like it.

MMW: Anything else you would like to bring up?

FC: I would like to invite everyone to join our BJJ CAMP that will take place in Cancun next August 31st. I will be teaching along with Black Belt World Champions Comprido and Caio Terra.

This camp is a perfect mix of BJJ and vacation, it’s a very familiar atmosphere and we are already taking reservations, please take a moment to look at more info here:

Hillary conta a verdade sobre Lloyd Irvin 

Muitos brasileiros não estão sabendo o que aconteceu

Hillary conta a verdade sobre Lloyd Irvin

Amigo brasileiros, sobre o caso de Lloyd Irvin: 
Vejo muitos comentários no facebook chamando os que saíram de creontes e outros falando pra para de meter na vida dos outros. Devem ser que vocês nao entendem a situação. 
-Em 1990 o Lloyd Irvin foi envolvido num estupro colectivo com mais seis caras numa menina de 45 kg. Ela tive hematomas na cara, tava menstruando e tiraram o absorvente dela, e ficou com spasms vaginal, tudo provando que foi estupro. No primeiro depoimento do Lloyd, ele falou que participou mas que ela queria. Quando a evidencia mostrou que era estupro, mudou a história pra falar que queria mas bruxou, e nao foi convicto por isso. Mais 4 passaram anos na cadeia. 
- Dois anos atras a atleta e faixa preta DJ Jackson foi pego por abuso sexual numa menor de idade, e deu um jeito de baixar pro assalto sexual, que dai ele pode continuar dando aula pra crianças. 
- Em Janeiro esse ano o Matt Maldonado e Nick Schultz estupraram violentamente uma parceira da academia quando ela pediu uma carona. Bateram a cabeça dele na parede e no chão do estacionamento e deixaram ela lá pra morrer. 
- Quando esse caso saiu nas notícias, o Lloyd rapidamente comprou varias sites com o nome "Lloyd Irvin Estupro" e parecidos para esconder seu caso de 1990. Felizmente, ele é burro e apareceu do mesmo jeito. 
- O professor do Sambo do Lloyd foi convicto pra estupra seus dos filhos, acho em volta de 10 anos atras. 
- Um aluno do Lloyd chamou a vitima dele de uma "vadia suja," e que ela so arrependeu fazer sexo com todos esses caras.
- Keenan, JT, e Jordon Schultz saíram quando ficaram sabendo que ele continua abusando alunas, falando que "você tem que estar preparada pra fazer qualquer coisa se quiser ser campeã mundial." 

Pra quem quiser todos as informações com evidencia e links, é so entrar aqui e usar Google tradutor.

Nao podemos deixar esse fdp botar a cara no Jiu Jitsu. Se fosse sua mulher, sua filha, ou sua irmã treinando lá, você ia deixar? As mulheres na academia dele são isso pra alguém, temos que lhe proteger. Há muitos que ainda nao sabem disso, nao podemos ficar quieto e deixar o cara fazer mais vitimas ainda. Campanha pra tirar esse sociopata do esporte.

Jun 08, 2013

Lloyd Irvin Rape Truth 

Lloyd Irvin participated in the gang rape of a 17 year old girl READ MORE

The Truth About Lloyd Irvin

Lloyd Irvin participated in the gang rape of a 17 year old girl at Hampton University in 1989. He was arrested and charged with rape. He was acquitted due to his testimony that he could not get hard enough to have sex with the victim. Multiple friends of his were convicted of the same rape and sent to prison. Lloyd Irvin fell through the cracks of the legal system in 1989, and there has been a pattern of sexual abuse surrounding him since.

Lloyd Irvin has attempted to suppress the information below through SEO tactics, bullying, legal threats, and intimidation. The content of this site is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. This site is supported by a team that is dedicated to standing up to Lloyd Irvin's bully tactics and spreading the truth. This site is intentionally minimalistic to make it easy for anyone to copy its content in its entirety. This site is protected by a team that will not be silenced by frivolous legal threats.

Lloyd Irvin Students Arrested in Brutal Rape

Two top Lloyd Irvin students (Nicholas Schultz and Matthew Maldonado) were arrested for the violent rape of a female teammate on New Year's Eve 2013. The Lloyd Irvin students beat the victim in and out of consciousness while raping her repeatedly. After the rape, the two Lloyd Irvin students left the victim lying helpless in the church parking garage in which the rape occurred.

This incident was captured on surveillance video tape.

WJLA Covers Details of Lloyd Irvin Students' Brutal Rape

Both Lloyd Irvin students were indicted on nineteen felony counts in the District of Columbia Superior Court. They are facing serious prison time if convicted.

Lloyd Irvin Students Indicted on Nineteen Felony Counts

Lloyd Irvin Buys to Cover Up Multiple Rapes

In a despicable attempt to cover up the news of the New Year's Eve rape, Lloyd Irvin purchased the domain name Lloyd Irvin populated this site with an advertisement for his own rape prevention classes -- a shameless attempt to profit from the brutal rape of his own student. This cover up ignited widespread outrage in the martial arts community.

Lloyd Irvin Purchases to Cover Up Rapes

But what came to light next revealed something far more sinister. Lloyd Irvin was covering up yet another brutal rape.

Lloyd Irvin Participated in the 1989 Gang Rape of a 17 Year Old Girl

As a result of the outrage from Lloyd Irvin's rape cover up, members of the martial arts community revealed that Lloyd Irvin himself had participated in the 1989 violent gang rape of a 17 year old girl at Hampton University.

Lloyd Irvin and as many as nine of his friends lured the girl to their apartment where they threatened to throw her off the balcony if she resisted. They then threw her on the bed and raped her violently.

Local News Article Covers Lloyd Irvin's Involvement in Brutal Gang Rape

The rape was so brutal that the victim suffered bruising on her lips and vagina. Lloyd Irvin testified that he did not see what was wrong with having sex with a "freak" -- the exact word that he used to describe the victim in court. Neither Lloyd nor any of his friends showed any remorse for this violent crime.

Lloyd Irvin Testifies that Rape Victim Is a "Freak"

Lloyd Irvin was able to convince the jury that he was too limp to penetrate the victim. He did, however, admit that he wanted to anyway. Due to the inability of the jury to convict him on a lesser charge for his clear involvement in the gang rape, Lloyd Irvin was acquitted. His co defendant was convicted of forcible sodomy.

Lloyd Irvin Wants to Rape Victim But Is Too Limp

In further trials, several more of Lloyd Irvin's friends were convicted of rape. They were sentenced to prison.

Lloyd Irvin Friends Convicted of Rape and Sent to Prison

Lloyd Irvin Officially Speaks About His Participation in Brutal Gang Rape

After several weeks of silence, Lloyd Irvin officially issued a statement to GRACIEMAG. Lloyd Irvin painted himself as the victim in the situation and claimed that he was only guilty of poor timing and taste.

Official Lloyd Irvin Statement on Involvement in 1989 Gang Rape

One thing noticeably missing from the statement, although promised within it, is Lloyd Irvin's personal account of his side of the story. However, other statements from Lloyd Irvin's inner circle show exactly what that side is.

Lloyd Irvin Black Belt Phil Proctor Calls Rape Victim "Dirty Whore"

Prior to the release of the official Lloyd Irvin statement, Lloyd Irvin black belt and inner circle member Phil Proctor made a public statement concerning the incident. In that statement, Phil Proctor referred to the victim's ordeal as "a 'train was run' on a dirty whore that got to feeling guilty."

Lloyd Irvin Black Belt Phil Proctor Publicly Calls Rape Victim a "Dirty Whore"

This shocking, disgusting statement is an indication of how Lloyd Irvin's inner circle reacted to the news. Taken in conjunction with Lloyd Irvin's own sworn testimony that the victim was a "freak", it becomes clear that Phil Proctor's version of the story is what Lloyd Irvin told his team about the incident privately.

From this information, it was obvious that Lloyd Irvin was fostering a culture of rape and sexual abuse on his team. But few could have imagined the terrible extent of the abuse.

Top Lloyd Irvin Student Jordon Schultz Reveals Continuing Widespread Lloyd Irvin Sexual Abuse

Abruptly, at the end of February 2013, nearly all of Lloyd Irvin's top students left suddenly in the middle of the night. Such a strange exodus caused concern in the martial arts community. An official statement by one of the top students leaving, Jordon Schultz, shed light on the cause.

Jordon Schultz Confirms Widespread Lloyd Irvin Sexual Abuse

In his statement, Jordon Schultz describes how Lloyd Irvin manipulated and sexually abused a female teammate. Lloyd Irvin ordered her to perform sexual favors, repeat that she loved him, and affirm her desire to obey him to become a world champion. Jordon Schultz also indicated his belief that there were additional victims on the team.

Other sources within the team confirmed that Lloyd Irvin indeed gave the same account of his rape case to his team that Phil Proctor repeated publicly. Sources also confirmed that Lloyd Irvin was in fact paying for the legal representation of his two students, Nicholas Schultz and Matthew Maldonado, that brutally raped yet another teammate on New Year's Eve. Lloyd Irvin also attempted to cover up this damning information.

Top Lloyd Irvin Student DJ Jackson Indicted for Felony Sexual Abuse

Due to the grave nature of the situation, more remaining students left Lloyd Irvin. One of particular note remained: top competitor and children's program chaperone DJ Jackson.

At the end of March 2013, it was revealed that in fact DJ Jackson had a history of sexual abuse charges as well. In 2008 DJ Jackson was indicted in Iowa on one count of felony sexual abuse in the third degree. DJ Jackson pleaded down to a lesser violent misdemeanor (assault causing bodily injury) and was sentenced to a year in jail.

DJ Jackson Indicted for Felony Sexual Abuse in the Third Degree

Copy of DJ Jackson Criminal Record

It appears that DJ Jackson received probation as part of his sentence. However, it appears that he violated the terms of his probation. As a result, he is currently wanted in Iowa by the Sioux County Sheriff in relation to his sexual abuse case.

DJ Jackson Actively Wanted in Iowa

Lloyd Irvin Censors Information to Cover Up Rapes

Faced with such horrible information, Lloyd Irvin actively began a campaign of censorship and intimidation against those speaking the truth. Lloyd Irvin sent legal threats to to suppress the availability of this information. It is assumed that Lloyd Irvin eventually succeeded as the site has been in maintenance mode indefinitely.

Lloyd Irvin also censored nearly one hundred pages of information from one of the largest MMA news websites. Lloyd Irvin made a request to the owner of the site, Kirik Jenness, to delete this information from the site. Kirik Jenness complied with the censorship request.

Kirik Jenness Censors Information Regarding Lloyd Irvin Sexual Abuse

Kirik Jenness has a close business relationship with Lloyd Irvin. Kirik Jenness has enthusiastically endorsed Lloyd Irvin, giving him a "Rave Review", and he has also previously censored information on his site regarding Lloyd Irvin's participation in a brutal gang rape.

Massive Lloyd Irvin SEO Cover Up Continues

As anticipated, Lloyd Irvin continued to cover up information concerning his involvement in the 1989 gang rape of a 17 year old girl. Lloyd Irvin purchased the domain names,,,, and many more.

Lloyd Irvin Continues Purchase of Rape URLs for SEO Cover Up

Many of these URLs point to marketing websites for Lloyd Irvin advertising rape prevention seminars. This is inconsistent with his previous official statement on the matter in which he apologizes for advertising his rape prevention seminars on similar URLs. It seems that his apology letter was insincere.

Lloyd Irvin's SEO cover up was so blatant and offensive that it was covered on the popular website The Verge. The article is highly critical of Lloyd Irvin and explores his association with Scamworld, a collection of shady internet marketers known for charging thousands of dollars for meaningless business advice.

Lloyd Irvin Associated With Scamworld

What Can I Do to Stop Lloyd Irvin?

Stop supporting Lloyd Irvin in any way. Stop supporting anyone who does. Speak up and say no to his culture of sexual abuse.

Spread the word about this site. Link to it on your blog. Link to it in forums. If you know of anyone currently supporting Lloyd Irvin, show him or her this site.

Lloyd Irvin will likely use SEO tactics to try to bury this site. If we all work together, those tactics will fail. All content on this site is protected by the First Amendment and does not constitute libel in any way, shape, or form. This site's team is dedicated to keeping it up in the face of frivolous legal threats. We are prepared to retain legal representation, and we will take this to court if necessary.

We are committed to spreading the truth about Lloyd Irvin. Please help by being committed and sharing this site.

Jun 07, 2013 Categories: BJJ Grappling MMA