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Displaying Results 1-10 of 27 For tag 50 50
  1. News > Seminar met Felipe Costa van 27/9 - 2/10 in de Sportoase te Leuven

    Seminar met Felipe Costa van 27/9 - 2/10 in de Sportoase te Leuven. Deelnameprijs = 50 euro voor de ganse week of 15 euro per les. Voor meer info kan je mailen naar of een bericht sturen    
  2. News > Seminar met Felipe Costa van 27/9 - 2/10 in de Sportoase te Leuven

    Seminar met Felipe Costa van 27/9 - 2/10 in de Sportoase te Leuven. Deelnameprijs = 50 euro voor de ganse week of 15 euro per les. Voor meer info kan je mailen naar of een bericht sturen    
  3. News > Felipe Costa ministrará seminário no Rio de Janeiro no início de setembro! Campeão mundial de Jiu-Jitsu, Felipe Costa irá ministrar um seminário técnico no dia 3 de setembro, em Laranjeiras, no Rio de Janeiro . O evento custa R$ 50 antecipado, sendo que alunos da equipe Brasa terão
  4. News > Felipe Costa ministrará seminário no Rio de Janeiro no início de setembro! Campeão mundial de Jiu-Jitsu, Felipe Costa irá ministrar um seminário técnico no dia 3 de setembro, em Laranjeiras, no Rio de Janeiro . O evento custa R$ 50 antecipado, sendo que alunos da equipe Brasa terão
  5. News > Felipe Costan seminaari GB Gymillä / seminar in Helsinki, Finland

    ) Hinta: kaikki harjoitukset ti-su 80 €, viikonloppu la-su 50 €, yksi harjoitus 20 €. Ilmoittautumiset: Sammy Hämäläinen / sammy.hamalainen [ät]
  6. News > Felipe Costan seminaari GB Gymillä / seminar in Helsinki, Finland

    ) Hinta: kaikki harjoitukset ti-su 80 €, viikonloppu la-su 50 €, yksi harjoitus 20 €. Ilmoittautumiset: Sammy Hämäläinen / sammy.hamalainen [ät]
  7. test-layout-all

    Emails 25 Domains Endless Support 25 per month Sign Up Premium 50GB Storage 50 Emails 50 Domains Endless Support 50 per month Sign Up
  8. Forum > How to beat bigger guys??

    yet but triangle choke is my favourite so far. I think you can totally get anyone to give up with this technique. In noticed there was no answer to this question, so let me add my 50 cents. I used to compete a lot in the open weight classes, me being about 70kg (at that time) and many of my
  9. News > Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rules: Do you have a question?

    advantage / -1 for stalling BAGI (black KIMONO) 0 points / 1 advantage  2:50 and Karol (white KIMONO)is still in the same position, the referee should stop the fight, put both of them back up, give Karol the second "punishment" , and 2 points for Bagi (black KIMONO) So the score
  10. News > Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rules: Do you have a question?

    advantage / -1 for stalling BAGI (black KIMONO) 0 points / 1 advantage  2:50 and Karol (white KIMONO)is still in the same position, the referee should stop the fight, put both of them back up, give Karol the second "punishment" , and 2 points for Bagi (black KIMONO) So the score