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Displaying Results 1-10 of 164 For 2010 12 european 2011 registration with discount extended
  1. News > European 2011 - Registration with discount extended‏

    Competitors will be able to register paying with discount till January 7th 2011. The tournament will take place on January 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th, in Lisboa, Portugal. $110.00 by 07/jan/2011 (equivalent to 80 euros) $130.00 by 19/jan/2011 (equivalent to 93 euros) Registration
  2. News > European 2011 - Registration with discount extended‏

    Competitors will be able to register paying with discount till January 7th 2011. The tournament will take place on January 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th, in Lisboa, Portugal. $110.00 by 07/jan/2011 (equivalent to 80 euros) $130.00 by 19/jan/2011 (equivalent to 93 euros) Registration
  3. News > IBJJF European 2011 schedule is up / Calendario Europeu 2011 divulgado

    European Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship ADULT OPEN CLASS REGISTRATION The athletes who placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each adult blue male, adult purple male and adult brown male weight division are eligible to compete in the Open Class division.The athletes who are eligible and wish
  4. News > IBJJF European 2011 schedule is up / Calendario Europeu 2011 divulgado

    European Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship ADULT OPEN CLASS REGISTRATION The athletes who placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each adult blue male, adult purple male and adult brown male weight division are eligible to compete in the Open Class division.The athletes who are eligible and wish
  5. News > Romanian sport site chooses Felipe Costa´s fight the most technical of European 2011

    Felipe Costa taking the back VIDEO: Au doar 57kg si se incolacesc ca serpii! Vezi cel mai tehnic meci de la Europeanul de BJJ Felipe Costa a oferit unul dintre cele mai tehnice meciuri de la recent incheiatul Campionat European de Jiu Jitsu Brazilian. Vezi meciul acestuia si cum
  6. News > Romanian sport site chooses Felipe Costa´s fight the most technical of European 2011

    Felipe Costa taking the back VIDEO: Au doar 57kg si se incolacesc ca serpii! Vezi cel mai tehnic meci de la Europeanul de BJJ Felipe Costa a oferit unul dintre cele mai tehnice meciuri de la recent incheiatul Campionat European de Jiu Jitsu Brazilian. Vezi meciul acestuia si cum
  7. News > Comprido wins the European 2011 and addresses Brock vs. Cigano

    as a coach and owner of an academy in Chicago and I ended up not competing at the Pan nor the Worlds. I competed at the Chicago Open, where I won my weight group and the absolute, and competed at some smaller championships. It was my first time at the European Open and it’s always nice winning I title I
  8. News > Comprido wins the European 2011 and addresses Brock vs. Cigano

    as a coach and owner of an academy in Chicago and I ended up not competing at the Pan nor the Worlds. I competed at the Chicago Open, where I won my weight group and the absolute, and competed at some smaller championships. It was my first time at the European Open and it’s always nice winning I title I
  9. News > HOLLAND GI CHALLENGE 2011‏

    The Holland Gi Challenge 2011 will be on Sunday April 10th. THE WINNER OF EACH ELITE CATEGORY WILL WIN A BLACK EAGLE GI!! THE WINNER OF EACH BLUE BELT CATEGORY WILL WIN A ZONA GI!! All registrations until March 31st will receive the HGC 2011 t-shirt!! RULES &
  10. News > HOLLAND GI CHALLENGE 2011‏

    The Holland Gi Challenge 2011 will be on Sunday April 10th. THE WINNER OF EACH ELITE CATEGORY WILL WIN A BLACK EAGLE GI!! THE WINNER OF EACH BLUE BELT CATEGORY WILL WIN A ZONA GI!! All registrations until March 31st will receive the HGC 2011 t-shirt!! RULES &