Posts in Category: BJJ

BJJ Technique - Passing the spider guard 

This was a technique show in a seminar at Comprido's academy where Felipe Costa explain some option to pass the spider guard.

What is the Intensive Personal Training Program? 

The Intensive Personal Training Program (IPTP) is the most superior method of obtaining specialized instruction available today. Hands down, there is no other way to rapidly improve your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu game than my IPTP. Unmatched in intensity, depth, and quality; an IPTP will bring you, your team, or your academy to the next level -- GUARANTEED!

What makes an IPTP different?
Typically, private training is expensive, and the instructor does not know your weaknesses and strong points. In an IPTP, our "world champion class" Black Black Belts spend a serious length of time with you, analyzing your game and developing the best plan of action to make you rapidly improve. An IPTP is much more than a simple private lesson; it is a "system" developed by the best champions in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu -- the same system that "supercharges" our game. 

How does it work?

First; we come to you and we come for a one week period. All of the classes are extremely personalized. All of the participants are observed and analyzed relative to strengths and weaknesses in their Brazilian Jiu Jitsu skills. Then, an individualized program is developed to capitalize on the strengths and eliminate the weak areas. All of our training is available in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Private sessions are also available -- and since we will know everyone's game, the private sessions are INTENSE and hit the right areas for maximum improvement!

So, how do I make it happen?

Simple, send an E-mail or give us a call -- then, we come to you. Our phone number is 55 21 9404 4567, and our E-Mail is We recommend that you call as soon as possible to ensure your preferred timeframe is available.

What about seminars?

Of course, we are also available for any type of seminar - whether beginner level, or in the most advanced techniques fresh from the mats in Brazil! Our Black Belt Instructors are the most highly experienced available. We are in the business of making you or your academy better, we share everything we know (even our sure fire winning techniques). We guarantee you will leave with something that changes the way you train!

Comprido acusa comissão atlética de tentar matar o Jiu-Jitsu

lesnar, comprido, ufc, 450Marcelo Alonso/Divulgação

Ex-campeão mundial de jiu-jitsu, o brasileiro Rodrigo "Comprido", que hoje é responsável pelos treinos de chão do gigante Brock Lesnar, entrou em contato com o R7 para manifestar o repúdio à lei aprovada no Estado de Illinois, onde mora nos EUA, que, de acordo com o atleta, “mataria” o esporte ao igualar as competições da modalidade às de MMA.

Acompanhe a página de MMA do R7 

- O motivo principal é que todos atletas, desde os faixas-brancas e as crianças, teriam de fazer exames de sangue, que custam em torno de US$ 100 [cerca de R$ 150], assim como no MMA. Se somarmos ao preço da inscrição, ficaria muito caro competir, ainda mais por se tratar de um esporte amador. Eles vão matar o jiu-jitsu no estado.

A medida, que já havia sido aprovada três anos atrás e revertida judicialmente por professores da região, ganhou aval do Congresso de Illinois nesta semana e está a uma assinatura do governador para entrar em vigor.

- Não faz sentido uma lei como esta ser aprovada sem ninguém consultar atletas e federações do esporte envolvido. Por isso criamos uma espécie de baixo-assinado público pelo Facebook para, quando conseguirmos marcar uma entrevista com o governador, termos um grande número de apoiadores pela nossa causa.

Como o jiu-jitsu é um esporte em que, apesar de ser de contato, não há cortes, e quando há, o combate e interrompido, a exigência de exames de sangue para análise possíveis doenças nos competidores poderia ser substituída por exames antidoping.

- Se é para cobrar, que façam exames antidoping. Aí sim, quanto a isso eu sou a favor. Mas é que, na verdade, as comissões atléticas são formadas por membros ligados ao boxe. De fato, é o boxe, que está minguando nos EUA, querendo controlar outros esportes. Como a renda deles está diminuindo, eles precisam fazer mais dinheiro. Com a lei, todo atleta de jiu-jitsu teria que ser afiliado e pagar taxas para competir.



Aug 13, 2011 Categories: BJJ Comprido MMA

BJJ technique - choque while defending the guard  

Felipe Costa showing a technique in a seminar in Knoxville.

What is the Intensive Personal Training Program? 

The Intensive Personal Training Program (IPTP) is the most superior method of obtaining specialized instruction available today. Hands down, there is no other way to rapidly improve your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu game than my IPTP. Unmatched in intensity, depth, and quality; an IPTP will bring you, your team, or your academy to the next level -- GUARANTEED!

What makes an IPTP different?
Typically, private training is expensive, and the instructor does not know your weaknesses and strong points. In an IPTP, our "world champion class" Black Black Belts spend a serious length of time with you, analyzing your game and developing the best plan of action to make you rapidly improve. An IPTP is much more than a simple private lesson; it is a "system" developed by the best champions in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu -- the same system that "supercharges" our game. 

How does it work?

First; we come to you and we come for a one week period. All of the classes are extremely personalized. All of the participants are observed and analyzed relative to strengths and weaknesses in their Brazilian Jiu Jitsu skills. Then, an individualized program is developed to capitalize on the strengths and eliminate the weak areas. All of our training is available in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Private sessions are also available -- and since we will know everyone's game, the private sessions are INTENSE and hit the right areas for maximum improvement!