Posts in Category: Academia

Training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

What is the best academy to train JiuJitsu?

Are you planning a trip to Rio de Janeiro? Do you want to train BJJ in Brazil and experience the culture, but you do not feel like taking a regular tourist package?

You have Two options:

1 - Come on your own and try to sort out everything by yourself and at your own risk;

2 - Contact Brazilian Black Belt now and let Felipe Costa and his team presents you with an EXPERIENCE you will never forget and which you would never be able to do with anybody else!

Brazilian Black Belt Experience



Your trip can be scheduled at any time of the year just contact us or send a WhatsApp +55 21 99404-4567 and we will arrange or help you arrange the best place to stay that will fit your budge, it can go from a private apartment, a nice hotel or a hostel. 


Here are two of the favorites apartments that our visitors like to stay:


That one is a 5 minutes walk from the Academy:

bjj in rio


This is 10 minutes walk from the Academy: 

jiu jitsu in rio


There are many other options at , once you look there, make sure to put the code felipecosta, you will get a discount and they will know it is from us.

train jiu jitsu in rio

The group that takes care of this website are students at BrazilianBlackBelt Academy as well, you will be talking with Felipe Costa personal friends and students. 



"I have great news for you: We will take care of you during your stay! You will live and EXPERIENCE Brazilian Jiu-Jistu like a local. I will welcome you inside my own Academy and teach you as if you were one of my own, my students have no ego, the atmosphere is friendly and familiar, but don't get me wrong, we do train hard. You will EXPERIENCE the training the same way that we do and will get treated, not like a tourist, but like part of our group." - Felipe Costa

Felipe Costa

Felipe give all classes in portuguese and makes sure to translate as well to english or Spanish when there are visitors.


Brazilian Black Belt Academy is the best rated academy in Rio de Janeiro.


 Besides the many group classes trough out the day, we can make more exclusive for you, on this case Felipe Costa or one of his instructors will be giving you private classes , therefore all the focus and attention will be directed to you.


Just contact us right now to have more details:

WhatsApp +55 21 99404-4567 

Jiu Jitsu Rio de Janeiro BJJ


Felipe Costa teaches in IPANEMA, one of the nicest area of Rio de Janeiro. The exact adress of the academy is: Rua Visconde de Pirajá 151/201 



Felipe Costa travels the world competing in and teaching BJJ. He has gained an enormous following of students and fans not only because of his accomplishments, but also because of his teaching ability and personality.

While these accomplishments are incredible, these are not his most impressive accomplishments. Felipe was not always a champion. In fact, he did not win any major tournaments until he was a Black Belt! Felipe never gave up and became one of the most successful competitors the BJJ World has ever seen!

Felipe Costa is a story of perseverance, determination and hard work. To learn more about Felipe check his profile, blog and website, or his social media.

Mikey Musumeci and Caio Terra training in Rio 

The day Mikey Musumeci and Caio Terra trained in my academy.


Caio Terra and I have a friendship that goes way back; we have periods of very little communication and others of fairly good amount of message exchanges. Our friendship was consolidate during our teen years and it was not harmed, neither physical nor emotional, by the miles setting us apart. This year Caio Terra set his BJJ camp for his students in Rio, so that everyone could train and enjoy the city during their time off work. 

Caio and Musumeci arrived in Rio a few days prior to his students, and contacted me because, as he has done in the past, he wanted to bring some of his students to train and check out my academy. 

I told him, as I always do, that my doors were always open. However, I was recovering from an injury and I was getting ready for an upcoming seminar in New Zealand (from where I am writing this text), so I was not going to be able to roll. 

He was disappointed and we regretted not having messaged each other in advanced to align our plans. Anyhow, Caio still wanted to come and train with my students and he wanted to bring "Mike" along with him. Although I announced to my students there will be a special training session that day, I did not want to be specific to avoid the academy from flooding with curios people and not to spoil the surprise. 

Who is Mikey Musumeci? 

I had not heard of Musumeci until he became a World Champion in the featherweight black belt division in 2017; my fault clearly, because later I came to discover that Musumeci had made a name for himself and he was already one of the best contenders to some of the best Brazilian BJJ fighters in the world. When I first saw him giving an interview after winning his World Champion title, I was dazzled by his physical appearance, because he seemed to be a very young athlete indeed. 

This year he went back to winning another World Championship becoming the first North American BJJ fighter to win two world titles as a Black Belt, along with two other BJJ fighters that so far have conquered one gold medal each.

During his interviews, he appeared to be an enthusiastic young man who did not seem to be aware of the magnitude of his accomplishments.


First training session in Brazil Caio arrived to my academy when my students were all warmed up and drilling the technique of the day. Caio introduced me to Mikey and the first thing I asked this young man was "how is your Portuguese?", he answered in a funny accent "aprendendo, aprendendo (still learning)" with a big smile on his face.

I already knew from his Instagram feed that he was putting an effort into learning Portuguese, something I greatly value in someone that is dedicated to training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. At the end, I was not as surprised with him trying to learn Portuguese but with the fact that, even when I spoke to him in English – whenever I felt the need to explain something more technical, he would answer back in Portuguese. He never, at any point, addressed me in English; for instance, during the second day of training, I saw he was thirsty but refused to drink water, since Caio had warned him about the severe consequences of drinking tap water in Brazil, arguing that it wasn't safe. I tried to convey in English “Hey, tap water is not safe, but from the fountain is fine, we have two filters”. He simply smiled back at me and said “tudo bem, estou bem” clearly lying to me. I knew it was Caio's fault.


The difference in age between Mikey and Caio is a little bit less than the one between Caio and myself. I imagine that because of that age gap, and for Caio guiding Mikey for the first time into a country so different such as Brazil, Caio may have overreacted about some facts, such as the one of the contaminated water, and also, about properly choosing appropriate sparring partners for Mikey, avoiding heavyweights.

I reminded Caio something that I am aware he already knows, that is, in my academy my students are forbidden to “hunt down” our guests and are constantly reminded to roll with them with respect and care.

Secondly, my academy is new – it has only been three years since we opened it, so none of my students is up to the level of someone like Mikey Musumeci.

Caio and Mike rolled throughout all of the rounds and some of my students had the pleasure of experiencing what is like to train with high level BJJ athletes at the peak of their physical conditioning, which is an incredible combination.

At the very end of the first training session, Mikey asked me to help me with some techniques, which I explained enthusiastically, but with a clear mind that his questions were out of courtesy as a way to “massage” my ego, because I don’t believe he actually needed those details from me. However, I was happy with his attitude, because either my interpretation was correct and he was being extremely polite, or, in fact, he benefited from those details, which showed how humble he is.


Later, I invited them to join our Lightweight Training session on the next day, the popular “Treino dos Leves”, in which I open the doors of my academy so that lightweight competitors can train irrespectively of their academies. Caio was busy setting up everything for his student’s arrival, so Musumeci came alone. The mats were packed with the regulars, but also with other people who came in for the occasion.

I asked him in English if he wanted me to select the sparing partners or if I should have any sort of care when setting him up with someone. As you can imagine, there were a lot of people, and I have become a master in dealing with situations where I felt like “a prey” when visiting other countries. I was careful enough to ask. He answered with a big smile on his face, and in Portuguese “não tem problema, não se preocupe (no problem, don’t worry about it)” putting an end to the matter.

I already knew he would face no difficulties when sparring, but I was merely asking out of politeness and to make sure he was feeling comfortable enough. The training session flowed marvelously; Mikey trained with several people, some purple belts and a lot of black belts. He had no issues with neither of them, and clearly took it easy with most of them.

Mikey managed to impress everyone that trained with him as well as those watching from the outside. He was pleased to answer doubts and to share technical details with everybody. At the end, I heard one of the black belts, a real “casca grossa”, saying to him “I already admired your Jiu Jitsu, but today, my respect for you acquired a whole new level. Not only because your technique is so good, but also because you are so humble”.

In fact, Mikey displayed a level of innocence and true enjoyment of being on the mats and imparting wisdom. I had the impression that, to a certain extent, Mikey is not fully aware of the magnitude it means to come to Brazil, the cradle of BJJ, at such a young age, and have a line of people waiting to take a picture with you, just because they want to document that moment in time.


*Thanks Maria Agus ( @mari.a86 ) for translating this from the original in Portuguese. 

Posted by Felipe Costa Dec 02, 2018 Categories: Academia BJJ Felipe Costa

Caio Terra e Mikey Musumeci treinando no Rio de Janeiro  

O dia em que Mikey Musumeci visitou minha academia com Caio Terra.

 Assista o vídeo do treino e fotos aqui: 



Caio Terra e eu mantemos uma estreita relação de amizade mas, como muitas, passamos largos períodos sem nos falar, alternados com outros em que nos falamos bastante. 

Nossa amizade se consolidou na adolescência e, geralmente, esses vínculos não se abalam por distância, nem física, nem emocional. 


Essa certeza causou um desencontro esse ano. Caio organizou uma viagem com seus alunos para treinarem no Rio e aproveitarem também para curtir as férias.

Chegou no Rio com  Musumeci uns dias antes dos outros alunos, me contactou pois, como em outros anos, queria levar os alunos para conhecer e treinar em minha academia. Eu disse que as portas estariam abertas como sempre, mas eu estava recuperando de uma lesão e prestes a viajar para um seminário na Nova Zelândia (de onde escrevo esse relato). 


Ficou desapontado e lamentamos não termos nos comunicado antes para alinhar nossas agendas. Mas perguntou se então podia ir de noite dar um treino com meus alunos e levar o “Mike”. 


Não quis anunciar claramente entre meus alunos para não lotar o tatame, mas disse: “se fosse vocês, não faltaria hoje”, escondendo a surpresa. 


Quem é Mikey Musumeci?


Eu nunca havia ouvido falar do Mussumessi até ele se tornar Campeão Mundial peso pluma, na faixa preta em 2017, culpa minha, já que fui descobrir que já tinha trilhado um caminho de muito sucesso e era arquirrival de atletas brasileiros duríssimos. Quando o vi pela primeira vez dando uma entrevista, logo após o título, me espantei com sua fisionomia, pois parecia um atleta juvenil, de tão novo. 

Esse ano ele repetiu o feito no mundial e se tornou o único americano a ser Bi campeão na faixa preta , entre apenas outros dois que conquistaram uma medalha de ouro. 

Em suas entrevistas demonstrou o mesmo jovem entusiasmo de quem nem deve se dar conta ainda do significado de sua conquista. 


Primeiro treino no Brasil 


Caio chegou quando meus alunos já estavam aquecidos e focados na técnica do dia. Me apresentou Mikey e eu perguntei imediatamente “como esta seu português?”, que me respondeu com um enorme sorriso e um divertido sotaque “aprendendo, aprendendo”. 

Eu já sabia pelo Instagram dele que estava se esforçando para aprender português, o que considero sensacional para alguém que se dedica a fundo ao JiuJitsu brasileiro. 

A minha surpresa não foi nem tanto esse esforço, mas sim ao fato dele , durante os dois treinos que estivemos juntos, mesmo quando me direcionava a ele para falar em inglês, por querer explicar algo mais complexo, ele respondia em português. 


Em nenhum momento falou inglês comigo, por exemplo, pulando para o segundo dia, quando percebi que ele estava com sede mas se negava a beber água, já que o Caio apavorou ele dizendo que não era seguro. 

Eu tentei racionalizar em inglês “Hey, tap water Is not safe, but from the fountain is fine, we have two filters “ ele apenas sorria e respondia “ tudo bem, estou bem” mentindo para mim. Eu sabia que a culpa era do Caio. 


A diferença de idade do Mikey para o Caio é um pouco menor que a do Caio para mim. Imagino que por essa diferença, por estar guiando ele pela primeira vez a um país tão diferente ( para eles) como o Brasil, acabou se incumbindo de uma responsabilidade por ele, por momentos até exagerando nessa proteção, como o caso do bebedouro e no primeiro dia em que me alertou que evitasse, ao casar o treino, colocar pessoas muito pesadas com ele. 


Lembrei ao Caio o que ele já sabia. Em primeiro lugar, na minha academia, os alunos são proibidos de tratar visitantes como “caça” e são constantemente lembrados que devem rolar com respeito e cuidado e a segunda parte o mais óbvio, tenho um grupo relativamente novo no JiuJitsu, pois minha academia apenas completou três anos, portanto mesmo considerando ter bons alunos, nenhum deles está hoje apto a fazer frente com alguém desse nível. 


Caio e Mike participaram de todos os rounds e vários dos meus alunos tiveram o prazer de experimentar rolar com atletas de alto nível do JiuJitsu e no auge físico, o que é uma combinação incrível. 


No final de tudo, Mikey me chamou no canto e pediu para tirar dúvidas sobre uma técnica. Eu expliquei com prazer, mas minha sensação clara é que ele estava fazendo aquilo por uma incrível gentileza e sensibilidade de alguma forma “massagear” meu ego, pois não acredito que de fato ele precisasse daqueles detalhes. Mas fiquei feliz dele ter tido esse cuidado. Se realmente minha percepção foi correta, ele demonstrou ser extremamente educado e, mesmo que eu esteja enganado, se de fato ele apenas quisesse aprender aqueles detalhes, foi também um gesto bonito de humildade. 


Convidei ambos a participarem do treino de competição que seria no dia seguinte, o já popular “Treino dos leves”, onde abro meu tatame para competidores de várias equipes, desde que não sejam muito pesados.

 Caio estava ocupado preparando tudo para chegada dos alunos, mas  Musumeci apareceu. 


O tatame lotou com os de sempre, mas também com pessoas que vão pouco ou nunca, movidos pela curiosidade. 

Perguntei em inglês se ele queria que eu selecionasse ou tivesse algum cuidado ao separar o treino para ele, como vi que haviam muitas pessoas e aprendi a lidar com situações onde me senti “a caça “ ao visitar outras países, tive o cuidado de indagar. 

Ele respondeu com sorriso no rosto, em português que “não tem problema, não se preocupe “, quase encerrando o assunto. Eu sabia que ele não teria problema, minha colocação foi apenas por educação e para ter certeza que ele se sentisse bem. 


O treino fluiu de forma excelente, treinou com várias pessoas, alguns roxas e muitos pretas. Não teve dificuldades com nenhum e nitidamente tirou o pé do acelerador com a maioria. 

Impressionou quem saiu do rola , assim como quem assistiu de fora. 

Teve prazer em tirar dúvidas e mostrar detalhes de técnicas que fez com quase todos. 


No fim escutou um elogio de um preta casca grossa “Eu já admirava seu JiuJitsu, mas hoje meu respeito por você atingiu outro nível. Não apenas pela técnica que já esperava ser boa, mas pela sua postura e humildade “. 

De fato, Mikey tem um comportamento que denota até uma certa inocência, uma alegria de estar no tatame e partilhar informação. 


Tive a impressão que ele não se deu conta da magnitude que é vir para o Brasil, berço do BJJ, sendo ainda tão jovem, e ao final ter uma fila de pessoas querendo tirar foto com ele e registrar aquela lembrança.

Posted by Felipe Costa Dec 02, 2018 Categories: Academia BJJ Felipe Costa Ipanema