I apologize if some of my results make you think GOLD is all I get. I have failed over and over, I have hit rock-bottom numerous times. For example, In the Pans, I fought 7 times, and would lose in the finals 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2014 that goes without mentioning a defeat in the semi-final in 2013 and in the eliminatory rounds in 2012.
Losing a fight leaves a terrible feeling that all the sacrifice made up to the time of the tournament was in vain. When I loose I share this same feelings, but I know loosing is part of the process and this is very important, it sucks, but we all going to experience that and experience it's exactly what it is.
This past sunday, my previous experiences is what pushed me through all physical and in my case, mainly psychological challenge to make me ready and focus on my victories. Winning Pan Ams gold was so important to me because it was the only IBJJF tournament that I fought that I had not yet achieved Gold as a Black Belt.
Not any more!

I could have never done without the help of my family and friends, each and everyone of you are part of it, I'm 100% conscious of that and more thankful than words can say.