Does SPORT BJJ Work In A Street Fight?

Whatch this video of a real fight


Did this guys BJJ work in this fight or FAIL?

"Worked perfectly in my book. Was near a kimura before they break up the fight.
Other than that....
Define winning in a street fight. When do you win a fight? What is the goal of selfdefense?
To get out of a fight with the least amount of damage to yourself and, preferably to your opponent as well (laws etc...).
In this case... Did the opponent finish the fight? No, but he was near. Did he get out of the fight with mininal damage? Yes. At the very least he survived till bystanders intervened. And most of the time that is what selfdefense is about. How many 'streetfights' really go till the end?
I like to compare martial arts like swimming.
Krav maga and other so called 'realistic' martial arts are like practicing your 'swimming technique' on the side of the pool with your belly on a chair. You will be able to move your arms and legs, but you will never be able to swim if you don't enter the water. Now, with 'realistic martial arts' you can't enter the water. You can't spar because the techniques are too dangerous. Therefore you never develop automatism or muscle memory needed for a real fight.
Sport martial arts (like bjj, judo, boxing,... any martial arts with rules) are like swimming in a pool. Not entirely realistic (like swimming in the sea, cfr a real fight) but at least you develop motoric skills that are closer to the realistic thing.
Will swimming in a pool allow you to cross a stormy ocean? Likely not, but maybe you can survive long enough to catch some drifting wood or maybe till some passing ship picks you up. At the very least that's what the guy on bottom in this video managed to do  " Wim BJJ Black belt under Felipe Costa