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Posts for Felipe Costa
10 dicas para iniciantes de Jiu-Jitsu
Conquering Fear: My Life-Changing Decision in Jiu-Jitsu
Sport Jiu Jitsu X Self Defense Jiu Jitsu
🥋🔓 Unlocking the Essentials: Mastering Open Guard! 🔓🥋
Winning Mindset for Competition
#BJJ - Never Give up!
#BJJ HL - Jiu Jitsu on it's highest level
#JiuJitsu - Filosofia de vida:
#JiuJitsu : usted ha hecho su tarea?
#JiuJitsu Felipe Costa,Wim Deputter & Arbi Muradov in Grozny
#JiuJitsu for small people
(1/3) Raspagem da meia guarda com detalhes que são a diferença entre o sucesso ou fracasso.
(3/3) Raspagem da meia guarda com detalhes que são a diferença entre o sucesso ou fracasso.
@DemianMaia showed a #JiuJitsu technique live from Rio de Janeiro
@FelipeCostaBJJ thanks a lot for the GREAT SEMINAR
@FelipeCostaBJJ will give a seminar in KUWAIT in December
@FelipeCostaBJJ will give a seminar in KUWAIT in December
[BJJ TECHNIQUE] 펠리페코스타 기술 01_ 카이오 테라와 함께
¿Cuándo el estudiante se convirtió en capaz de decidir el momento de cambiar las cintas?
¿Qué te motiva a seguir adelante?
10 consejos para novatos del Jiujitsu
10 most important things every white belt should know
15 meses depois de romper o ligamento cruzado.
15 meses después de romper mi ligamento cruzado
15 months after my knee injury (ACL ligament torn)
4 questions to Felipe Costa about IBJJF Referees, brackets, fair treatment and Metamoris
4 questions to Felipe Costa about IBJJF Referees, brackets, fair treatment and Metamoris
5 basic rules of cross training for Jiu-Jitsu
5 important 50/50 techniques to improve your game
A banalização do doping no Jiu-Jitsu e as maiores falácias em defesa do uso.
A unos días de la visita del Campeon Mundial Felipe Costa en MEXICO.
Academias de Jiu Jitsu em Ipanema em Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Adult div kings of old dominate Masters in Rio
Are you a light person?
Are you like that?This is the worse kind of fighter:
Are you like that?This is the worse kind of fighter:
Are you ready for WAR before a tournament? Felipe Costa is not!
Are you the best of your academy?
ARM BAR Tournament Tested Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Technique
Armbar from guard defense
Ataques e controles da guarda fechada
Aulas de Jiu-Jitsu para crianças em Ipanema
Basic self defense against someone who is pushing you PART 1
BJJ - Highlights - Rio International Open
BJJ CAMP - Jiu jitsu technique - CHOKE by Felipe Costa
BJJ CAMP - Jiu jitsu technique - CHOKE by Felipe Costa
BJJ CAMP - Jiu jitsu technique - sweep by Felipe Costa
BJJ CAMP - Jiu jitsu technique - sweep by Felipe Costa
BJJ CAMP with Comprido, Caio Terra & Felipe Costa
BJJ CAMP with Comprido, Caio Terra & Felipe Costa
BJJ for BLIND KIDS / Jiu-jitsu para deficientes Visuais
BJJ is not his only skill / Jiu Jitsu nao e' tudo que ele sabe fazer
BJJ is not his only skill / Jiu Jitsu nao e' tudo que ele sabe fazer
BJJ sweep made by Felipe Costa
BJJ technique - choque while defending the guard
BJJ technique - choque while defending the guard
BJJ Technique - Passing the spider guard
BJJ Technique - Passing the spider guard
BJJ World Champion will give online seminar this saturday
BJJ World Champion will give online seminar this saturday
BJJ World Champion will visit his affiliates after the PAN Jiu Jitsu
BJJ World Champion, Felipe Costa, training at HOME
BJJ World Champion, Felipe Costa, training at HOME
Black belt BJJ World Champion Felipe Costa challenge a blue belt and loses!
Black belt BJJ World Champion Felipe Costa challenge a blue belt and loses!
Black belt from Australia talk about our Online Academy
Black Belt getting beat up by a lower belt - UNBELIEVABLE
Black belt training with an blind BJJ athlete / Atleta de Jiu jitsu cego treinando com faixa preta
Brasa es un equipo de jiu-jitsu brasileño campeón mundial que se formo en el año 2004
Brasa Mexico and Felipe Costa
Brasa Mexico and Felipe Costa
Brazilian Black Belt - Online Jiu Jitsu Academy
Brazilian Black Belt BJJ CAMP
Brazilian Black Belt BJJ CAMP - September 10, 2011
Brazilian Black Belt BJJ CAMP 2019 is back in Europe
Brazilian Black Belt BJJ CAMP will be in GREECE - Europe
Brazilian Black Belt Jiu Jitsu CAMP is schedule!
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a language
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Rules: Do you have a question?
Brazilian Martial art? Ahhh, I know Capoeira
Caio Terra e Mikey Musumeci treinando no Rio de Janeiro
Campamento de jiu jitsu brasileño tendrá su edición 2012 en MEXICO CANCUN
Campamento de jiu jitsu brasileño tendrá su edición 2012 en MEXICO CANCUN
Can Brazilian Jiu-jitsu really save you against bigger opponents?
Chave de braço da guarda fechada, explorando várias situações
Check out the preview of Felipe Costa's DVD
Check out the preview of Felipe Costa's DVD
Como motivar seus alunos a treinarem mais forte?
Como parei de comer carne e frango
Cómo se puede motivar a sus estudiantes a entrenar más duro?
Confissões no Jiu-Jitsu: Já sofri muitas derrotas e atingi o fundo do poço inúmeras vezes
Coragem de parar ou para continuar?
Couple went training #BJJ in Rio and this was their EXPERIENCE
Cross grip butterfly closing the gap
Cross grip butterfly recovering
Cross grip butterfly taking the back
Cual es la mejor opción para entrenar Jiu Jitsu en Río?
Cual es la mejor opción para entrenar Jiu Jitsu en Río?
De la Riva, Comprido and Felipe Costa teaching together
Deficientes Visuais competindo no Jiu-jitsu / Blind kids fighting in BJJ tournament
Delariva, Comprido and Felipe Costa - BJJ CAMP - last few spots - Click on the link and find out
Did you see what people are saying about Felipe Costa #BJJ in MIAMI?
Diferenca entre o faixa Branca e o faixa Preta no Jiu-Jitsu
DISCURSO MOTIVACIONAL feito por Felipe Costa para Equipe BRASA
Do you want to get your next belt in Jiu-Jitsu?
Does it help your Jiu Jitsu to train with heavier opponents?
É impossível alimentar a população mundial sem CARNE
Entenda a razão daquele seu amigo ter se apaixonado pelo Jiu Jitsu
Equivalente no Jiu Jitsu ao Juramento de Hipócrates
Esse video mostra muito sobre Felipe Costa
Everything in life is a matter of perspective
Everything you need to know about BJJ CAMP 2015 before your reservation
Ex-reis no adulto dominam o Master no Rio
Fechar categoria é desconsideração, descaso e desrespeito.
Felipe and Ryan discussing techniques
Felipe Costa - BJJ HL - Jiu Jitsu HighLight
Felipe Costa - Knee on the belly, mount and take the back
Felipe Costa (BRASA) X Bernardo Pitel (Nova Uniao)
Felipe Costa (BRASA) x Rufino Gomes Morcego (Check mate)
Felipe Costa (BRASA) x Thiago Veiga (Gracie Humaita - LCTT)
Felipe Costa (BRASA) x Thiago Veiga (Gracie Humaita - LCTT)
FELIPE COSTA 30 + Episode1 - brief BIO and return to mats after surgery
Felipe Costa 30+ EPISODE 2 - Sequence on how training is going
Felipe Costa 30+ EPISODE 3 - first tournament after the surgery
FELIPE COSTA 30+ Episode 4 - Soul Fighter, trip to US and new Black Belt Ryan Hall
Felipe Costa 30+ EPISODE 5 - BRASA San Diego, cutting weight and first BIG tournament: BJJ Pan Ams
Felipe Costa 30+ episode 6 - Alaska and final preparation to the Nationals
Felipe Costa 30+ Episode 7- Brasileiro, California and Arizona
Felipe Costa ajuda De La Riva para a luta contra Jean Jacques
Felipe Costa answer the question from FACEBOOK
Felipe Costa answers about Mexico, BJJ CAMP, tournaments and much more
Felipe Costa applying an sweep from X guard
Felipe Costa applying an sweep from X guard
Felipe Costa BJJ in MEXICO
Felipe Costa BJJ in MEXICO
Felipe Costa critica o doping no seu reality show
Felipe Costa critica o doping no seu reality show
Felipe Costa Doping Controversy: Clearing Up the Confusion with Cassio Felipe Sousa Costa (Laranjinha)
Felipe Costa ensinando Jiu-Jitsu em casa, no CANADA
Felipe Costa ensinando Jiu-Jitsu em casa, no CANADA
Felipe Costa entrevistado por Paula Sack no SporTV
Felipe Costa entrevistado por Paula Sack no SporTV
Felipe Costa fighting NO GI
Felipe Costa fighting NO GI
Felipe Costa finaliza na estréia de campeonato organizado pela SJJSAF
Felipe Costa get caught doing the Lemon Pie DANCE
Felipe Costa give a new black belt in EUROPE
Felipe Costa helping Jiu Jitsu to grown in Mexico
Felipe Costa helps De La Riva prepare to face Jean Jacques Machado
Felipe Costa in a #JiuJitsu super fight that took place in USA
Felipe Costa in a NO GI fight
Felipe Costa in a NO GI fight
Felipe Costa in a NO GI tournament
Felipe Costa in a NO GI tournament
Felipe Costa in ACTION
Felipe Costa in ACTION
Felipe Costa in ACTION at #JiuJitsu Brazilian Nationals
Felipe Costa in ALASKA (BJJ Personal Training Program)
Felipe Costa in ALASKA (BJJ Personal Training Program)
Felipe Costa in Hermosillo, MEXICO JIU JITSU
Felipe Costa in Merida - Yucatan MEXICO bjj
Felipe Costa in Merida - Yucatan MEXICO bjj
Felipe Costa in Mexico - BJJ HL
Felipe Costa in Mexico - BJJ HL
Felipe Costa interviewed by adcombat
Felipe Costa interviewed by adcombat
Felipe Costa is teaching a seminar for the first time in UK
Felipe Costa Jiu JItsu European Tour 2010- Turkey
Felipe Costa Jiu JItsu European Tour 2010- Turkey
Felipe Costa Jiu Jitsu European Tour 2010- Greece, Athens
Felipe Costa Jiu Jitsu European Tour 2010- Greece, Athens
Felipe Costa Jiu Jitsu European Tour 2010- Poland
Felipe Costa Jiu Jitsu European Tour 2010- Poland
Felipe Costa Jiu Jitsu European Tour 2010- Spain, Almeria
Felipe Costa Jiu Jitsu European Tour 2010- Spain, Almeria
Felipe Costa ministrará seminário no Rio de Janeiro no início de setembro!
Felipe Costa on his way to KUWAIT #BJJ
Felipe Costa on his way to KUWAIT #BJJ
Felipe Costa s Brazilian Jiu-jitsu SEMINAR in South Africa
Felipe Costa seminar in PHOENIX
Felipe Costa shows Arm bar from the close guard with lapel
Felipe Costa shows Arm bar from the close guard with lapel
Felipe Costa Sitting Guard Technique 1
Felipe Costa Sitting Guard Technique 2
Felipe Costa Sitting Guard Technique 3
Felipe Costa Sitting Guard Technique 4
Felipe Costa slams performance enhancers on reality show
Felipe Costa slams performance enhancers on reality show
Felipe Costa taking the back of an opponent who was trying to get out of the mat
Felipe Costa talks about his motivation to keep competing on BJJ and much more
Felipe Costa teaches a sweep when your opponent stands to pass your guard
Felipe Costa teaches a very technical sweep from the half guard
Felipe Costa teaching Jiu Jitsu in Belgium
Felipe Costa teasing Demian Maia
Felipe Costa teasing Demian Maia
Felipe Costa touring Europe
Felipe Costa touring Europe
Felipe Costa training with Bezinho
Felipe Costa vs Fabio Passos mundial 2012 full fight
Felipe Costa vs Fabio Passos mundial 2012 highlights
Felipe Costa vs Makoto Pan Ams full fight
Felipe Costa vs Makoto Pan Ams highlights
Felipe Costa will teach BJJ in Finland for his second time
Felipe Costa X Caio Terra MUNDIAL IBJJF
Felipe Costa, taking the back, from side control in a Jiu Jitsu tournament in Rio
Felipe Costa: 'Peso Leve deve treinar com peso leve'
Felipe Costan seminaari GB Gymillä / seminar in Helsinki, Finland
Felipe Costan seminaari GB Gymillä / seminar in Helsinki, Finland
Felipe Costa's got your back - Highlight Reel!
Felipe Costa's World Champion BJJ Seminar in TN, USA
Felipe Costateaches a back take / sweep for when your opponent tries to pass tight
Felipe training with friends
Feras do Jiu-Jitsu apontam cinco benefícios que a arte suave pode oferecer
Freeing knee guard pass defense
Freeing your leg when stuck
Get to know BJJ World Champion - Felipe Costa - Conheca o Campeao MUNDIAL
Get to know BJJ World Champion - Felipe Costa - Conheca o Campeao MUNDIAL de Jiu Jitsu
Give your self the best gift possible: Knowledge
Gracie Mag places her bet on PAN Jiu Jitsu 2011 winners
GracieMag faz suas apostas para o PAN Jiu JItsu 2011
Guard retention into y guard
Guard retention keeping the angle
Guard retention reviewed
Guilhotina da guarda fechada
Half guard retention
Half guard sweep in a tournament
Half guard sweep in a tournament
Half shin guard retention reviewed
Have you ever seen this sweep?
Here is the biggest difference on the purple belt and brown belt!
Here is what people are saying about Felipe Costa's seminar
HL - Melhores momentos - Felipe Costa (BRASA) x Leonardo Rodrigues Ligeirinho (TOP BROTHERS)
HL - Melhores momentos - Felipe Costa (BRASA) x Leonardo Rodrigues Ligeirinho (TOP BROTHERS)
HL Felipe Costa (BRASA) x Ivaniel Oliveira (TOP BROTHERS)
HL Felipe Costa (BRASA) xRodrigo Bicudo (Gracie Ipanema)
How can you motivate your students to train harder?
How do you take the back?
How to escape the mount position
How to escape the triangle choke
How to get armbar when they stack you
How to open the closed guard
How to slow down a fast opponent
IBJJF rules, FREE course with everything you must know to enter a Jiu Jitsu competition
III Festa de Natal do Projeto Social Voluntário de Jiu-Jítsu para Deficientes Visuais
In #BJJ there is always a way out / No #JiuJitsu sempre há uma saída
Interview with BJJ expert - Felipe Costa
Interview with BJJ expert - Felipe Costa
Invite Felipe Costa to your city, he can do more than just Jiu Jitsu
Is this technique wrong
Is youtube techniques making your game better or worse in BJJ?
It's now or never! Get your spot: BJJ CAMP CANCUN
Jiu Jitsu app
Jiu Jitsu CAMP - Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL
Jiu Jitsu CAMP - Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL
Jiu Jitsu CAMP HOUSE - Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL
Jiu Jitsu CAMP HOUSE - Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL
Jiu Jitsu CAMP in EUROPE - SEPTEMBER 2011 with Black Belt world champions
Jiu Jitsu Camp in Greece
Jiu Jitsu Camp in Greece
Jiu Jitsu class run by Black Belt World Champion was show live from Turkey, here is the video
Jiu Jitsu class run by Black Belt World Champion was show live from Turkey, here is the video
Jiu Jitsu deportivo contra Jiu Jitsu defensa personal
Jiu Jitsu é um idioma
Jiu Jitsu expert, Felipe Costa, teaching in Texas (PTP)
Jiu Jitsu expert, Felipe Costa, teaching in Texas (PTP)
Jiu Jitsu funny memes
Jiu Jitsu Highlight - 2 minutes of action
Jiu Jitsu highlight BJJ HL
Jiu Jitsu in MEXICO - BJJ Highlight VIDEO
Jiu Jitsu is growing in Istanbul, Turkey. Watch this class
Jiu Jitsu Personal Training Program with black belt expert Felipe Costa
Jiu Jitsu Personal Training Program with black belt expert Felipe Costa
Jiu jitsu technique - counter attack
Jiu jitsu technique - counter attack
Jiu jitsu technique - passing the guard crossing the knee
Jiu jitsu technique - passing the guard crossing the knee
Jiu jitsu technique - side control attack
Jiu jitsu technique - side control attack
Jiu Jitsu technique - Sweep with outside hook
Jiu Jitsu technique - Sweep with outside hook
Jiu Jitsu technique stream live, free of charge, directly from Brazil
Juji gatame defense
Kid Peligro news - Felipe Costa Seminar in Brazil
La filosofía a seguir en #JiuJitsu
La retroalimentación de mi seminario de ayer:
Learn Jiu Jitsu from Felipe Costa directly from your iPhone
Learn techniques will safe you in a #BJJ fight
Luta sem fim.
Making of Felipe Costa's Jiu Jitsu DVD
Making of Felipe Costa's Jiu Jitsu DVD
Mannequin Challenge BJJ KIDS at Brazilian Black Belt Academy in Rio de Janeiro
Melhor descrição de uma luta de Jiu-Jitsu já feita por um leigo!
MEXICO has a new Black Belt under Felipe Costa/ Nuevo cinta negra en México
Michael Langhi - Lapel guard
Mikey Musumeci and Caio Terra training in Rio
More Felipe Costa and Ryan Hall
Motivational Brazilian Jiu Jitsu documentary
My dream is to become a World Champion and live from Jiu-Jitsu
My favorite attack from mount. What is yours?
Natal Deficientes Visuais/ Christmas for visual challenge
New black belt under Felipe Costa
New IBJJF Rank system
Niños con deficiencia visual, participan y ganan en torneos contra niños "normales"
Nota no Jornal O Globo sobre Fernando TERERE
O campeão mundial Felipe Costa em seminário de Jiu-Jitsu no Rio de Janeiro
O desejo não morre - Jiu Jitsu
One of the best interviews Felipe Costa ever gave, you must listen to that!
Ops, people are talking stuff about Felipe's #JiuJitsu again, this time Cleveland
Origem do nome da Equipe BRASA de Jiu Jitsu
Os caminhos para superar uma contusão no Jiu-Jitsu
Our Online lessons can be described easily- concise, organized, easy-to-follow, practical, effective, and well though out
Personal Training Program in Arizona
Personal Training Program in MEXICO
Philosophy of life of a good leader in #BJJ
PMA EXCLUSIVE - Jiu Jitsu Seminar with Professor Felipe Costa - KNOXVILLE
Por que eu? Da alfabetização a faixa preta
Prepare-se para o pior.
Primeiro seminário de Felipe Costa no RIO foi um sucesso / Success on Felipe Costa's first seminar in RIO
Primeiro seminário de Felipe Costa no RIO foi um sucesso / Success on Felipe Costa's first seminar in RIO
Privilegiado, Felipe Costa exalta treinos com De La Riva: ‘Fenomenais’
Professor Felipe Costa Jiujitsu Seminar in Kuwait
Projeto Social de Jiu-jitsu BRASILEIRO para deficientes visuais
Projeto Social de Jiu-jitsu BRASILEIRO para deficientes visuais
Pronto para guerra antes de lutar? Felipe Costa não!
Quebrando a postura do adversário na guarda fechada
Quick video of the seminar in TN and how we spend the money from it!
Raspagem clássica da guarda fechada
Rate professor @FelipeCostaBJJ
Report about the only Social Project teaching Jiu jitsu for BLIND people
Review of the first installment of Felipe Costa BJJ iPhone tutorials
Revista TATAME entrevista sobre os esteroides no Jiu-Jitsu
Revista TATAME entrevista sobre os esteroides no Jiu-Jitsu
Rio de Janeiro: cual es la mejor opción para entrenar Jiu-Jitsu?
Rio Open Black Belt Finals: BJJ Hacks highlight
Romanian sport site chooses Felipe Costa´s fight the most technical of European 2011
Romanian sport site chooses Felipe Costa´s fight the most technical of European 2011
SEGUNDA PARTE: Uma das primeiras experiências do Felipe Costa ensinando Jiu Jitsu no leste Europeu
Seminar met Felipe Costa van 27/9 - 2/10 in de Sportoase te Leuven
SPIDER GUARD Tournament Tested Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Technique
Steering the elbows
Sweep and submission from the close guard with lapel
Sweep and submission from the close guard with lapel
Te gusta eso? Este es el peor tipo de peleador
Teaching the right mentality while training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu from the start
Technique to open the close guard using the lapel
Technique to open the close guard using the lapel
Testimonial about Felipe Costa and the Jiu Jitsu CAMP
Testimonial about Felipe Costa Jiu Jitsu
Testimonial about Felipe Costa Jiu Jitsu
Testimonio sobre Felipe Costa Jiu Jitsu
The Best Ways to Learn Jiu Jitsu
The easiest knee on belly escape
The most famous and prestigious BJJ CAMP in the World will have its 2011 edition in GREECE
The non stop evolution of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
The paths to overcome an injury in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Todo en la vida es una cuestión de perspectiva
Tournament tested technique, check out explanation and the move in action
Training at Fifty/50 Jiu-Jitsu
Training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Training Camp for the Worlds: only for lighter than 150lb/70kgs
Training Camp for the Worlds: only for lighter than 150lb/70kgs
Training with David Jacobs
Turning butterfly into half guard pass
Um simples ajuste e sua guarda já vai melhorar
Uma das primeiras experiências do Felipe Costa ensinando Jiu Jitsu na Polônia PARTE I
Você é assim? Eis o pior tipo de lutador:
What is the best way to improve on #BJJ ?
What kind of Jiu Jitsu advice would you expect from some one who have conquer the Black Belt World title?
What motivates you to keep going?
When did the student became capable of deciding the right moment to change belts?
When is the best time to have your kid starting training BJJ?
Where should I train Jiu Jitsu in Brazil?
Why should you register free in our Online Academy?
Winning Mindset for Competition #BJJ - you must watch this video
Winning Mindset for Competition #BJJ - you must watch this video
Wondering best way to learn #JiuJitsu ?
Workshop de Felipe Costa